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SD 470.6, Technical Security Program (OUO)

Implements a Technical Security Program (TSP) within the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), adhering to the applicable requirements within Department of Energy (DOE) Order (O) 470.6, Technical Security Program and national policy. This SD outlines the requirements, responsibilities, and processes to fully implement departmental and national Technical Security policy within NNSA. Technical Security fuses Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), Compromising Emanations Control (TEMPEST), Wireless Security (WISEC), Protected Distribution Systems (PDS), and other security disciplines to safeguard the physical and cyber domains from the most advanced technical adversaries. NNSA TSP services proactively hunt for and neutralize technical exploitation devices and technologies, as well as technical hazards and vulnerabilities that could facilitate the unauthorized access to, removal of, or tampering with sensitive NNSA information and systems. ACD 470.6, dated 7-15-2019, was canceled and incorporated into SD 470.6.

SD_470.6_CoverPage_20220225.pdf -- PDF Document, 310 KB

This document is OUO. The document will be supplied on a need-to-know basis by contacting Defense Nuclear Security at (202) 586-8900.

ID: SD 470.6
Type: Supplemental Directive (SD)
SLM Office: Office of Defense Nuclear Security
OPI: Office of Defense Nuclear Security
Status: Current
Issue Date: Feb 25, 2022
Last Update: Feb 25, 2022
CRD: Yes
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