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SD 411.1-1C, Safety Management Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manual (FRAM)

Define National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) safety management functions, responsibilities, and authorities and associated delegations to ensure that work is performed safely and efficiently, as described in DOE M 411.1-1C, Safety Management Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual, in order to hold Federal personnel accountable for their assigned duties. NNSA’s mission requires a delicate balance between safety and security. While this document meets DOE requirements to define essential safety management functions, it also provides the functions, responsibilities, and authorities for nuclear security and other major organizations within NNSA that impact our ability to work safely.

SD 411.1-1C.pdf -- PDF Document, 430 KB

ID: SD 411.1-1C
Type: Supplemental Directive (SD)
SLM Office: Office of Defense Nuclear Security
OPI: Office of Defense Nuclear Security
Status: Archive
Issue Date: Feb 15, 2008
Misc. Comments:
Safety Management Functions, Responsibilities and Authorities Manual (FRAM)
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